A documentary on finding sustainable solutions to feed our planet
Food is increasingly at the heart of the challenges of tomorrow. The population continues to grow, the intensive monoculture model is showing its limits, and the land is shrinking, it is urgent to reconsider how we produce and feed ourselves.
At a time when the media warn against the multiple drifts of a productivist agriculture, we realized that other alternatives existed and that they hadn’t been highlighted yet.
Our documentary project emerged as a result of this observation and of a change in our own diet. Out of conviction, we have gradually favored local produce and removed meat from our meals. This evolution was made with the awareness that what we eat has a considerable impact on our health but also on the planet.
Is it possible to feed the whole world while respecting nature? Does technical progress necessarily go hand in hand with productivist agriculture? Can we produce food everywhere even in neglected or arid areas? How is our diet going to evolve?
These are the questions that Foodorama will try to answer through a documentary series filmed around the world, on the responsible, ecological and innovative actors of tomorrow’s agriculture.
A roaming documentary

After having lead a first investigation in France in 2017 and 2018 to find the producers but also consumers, scientists, engineers, associations, who work on these issues, we will then seek our answers directly from those who propose alternatives solutions to the existing model.
During 2 years, we will follow a route crossing the 5 continents. We will often travel several thousand of kilometers to reach our destination.
This initiation path will be done mainly by bike and will be part of our documentary. Like a travel diary, summarizing both our adventures and discovering the gastronomic habits of the country crossed, this first part will give us the keys to grasping local issues and to preparing for the discovery of our food subject.
We will cycle to meet these precursors who innovate in imagining other ways to feed the planet. Through interviews and portraits of the people we meet, we propose to build a real panorama of new practices that will respond to these challenges.
Rather than a revolution, Foodorama proposes a reflection on the possible and necessary evolutions of the modes of production and food consumption.
How will we eat tomorrow? A question that may seem trivial but essential to the future of our civilization.